Forum & Moderator Resource Center

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Moderator Resources & Best Practices

Moderator Resources

Retreat Resources

Pillars of being a Moderator

Moderator Troubleshooting Guide

  • Things to look for/consider as a successful Moderator.

    1. Time limits - the art of when to enforce and when to be lenient

    2. Best Practice/Subject Matter Expert Sessions

      1. Option in lieu of a presentation (by a member)

      2. Engage our SAPs for “best practice sessions in their area of expertise”

        1. “Practical planning”

    3. Call out “questions” that are a distraction

      1. “How does this question change the essence of the story” 

      2. “How does the answer to that question help the group”

    4. Do not “try to solve the problem”

    5. One Meeting

      1. Refocus the group

    6. Updates and formats

      1. Challenge members’ emotions (5%)

    7. Advanced agenda to group

      1. Allows ownership of any “homework” needed in advance. 

    8. Options for presentation formats

      1. Different styles might work better for different personalities

    9. Lead by example

      1. Vulnerability to share and open up about things

    10. One word open 

    11. One word close

Moderator Resources